Bring Co-Banking Into The Digital Age

Comply with data regulations, avoid fines, and offer child-friendly financial products with parental controls, boosting financial literacy and revenue opportunities.

How Do We Help Banks?

TrustElevate has access to authoritative data sources to verify child and parent details. This involves sensitive personal data, so our approach prioritizes privacy by minimizing data exposure.

We achieve this through iframes. Parents enter the child's first and last name, date of birth, and their own mobile number within the iframe. We utilize two-factor authentication (2FA), and all information is hashed within the iframe. Likewise, the data sources we check against are also hashed. This ensures we never see the actual data itself.

This privacy-preserving approach provides companies with a consent receipt. The receipt details the date and time of the verification check, the results (whether parental responsibility was confirmed), and confidence levels due to potential misspellings. To account for these variances, we've developed AI with fuzzy logic.

For banks, legal obligations require collecting data and verifiable parental consent. Financial institutions leverage our API to provide data they already hold on the claimed parent (which will be hashed), and we'll then check against our hashed data sources to confirm parental responsibility and the child’s details such as age.

Benefits For Banks & FinTech

Revolutionize Digital Payments

Bring the onboarding process for child and teen bank accounts into the digital age.

Digitally verify identity, not just age, and parent-child relationships. Plus, verify parental permission for online purchases, enabling compliance with the Payment Services Directive and advancing Open Banking.

Book A Demo

Discover how we can help you comply with legal requirements regarding the collection and processing of age verification data.

When you contact us, you’ll receive a prompt and personalised response from our team. We will schedule a demo tailored to your specific needs, allowing you to see our solutions in action and how they can benefit your business.